Cami is a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) in Utah and a graduate of Healing Mountain Massage School of Massage Therapy and Holistic Health. Cami has a deeper understanding of the healing power of massage and knows that education is vital to bridging the mind-body connection gap. Cami works with patients of physical therapists and chiropractors and will soon incorporate medical massage techniques to address carpal tunnel syndrome, whiplash, and TMJ.
Cami is 100% focused on her client’s needs through a collaborative process, in that she blends her professional skills with her clients’ input while on the table. She realizes that those inkling thoughts, or intuition, about our healing and the progression or regression is always a work in progress. It is crucial for the healing process to be keenly aware of mind and body. Cami believes the client is the key to their own healing.